24/7 Squash @ Tonsley Corporate Cup

Competition Guidelines

24/7 Squash @ Tonsley Guidelines

Teams will play against other teams weekly on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, starting at either 4:00pm or 5:15pm (if teams can't arrive until 5 pm they need to contact the opposing team).  The draw will be created and viewable prior to competition start.

Squash SA will make all court bookings for the competition.

Teams are required to have a minimum of 3 team members to register.

Teams do not have to play the same players every week, but they must play in the correct position in the team (number 1's strongest player number 3 least strongest).

Each team will play 3 matches per round, with the 1's playing each other, 2's playing each other and 3's playing each other.

Matches will be best of 3 games per match, point a rally (PAR) and the first player to 11 points. If the scores are 10-10, a player must win by 2 points  eg. 13-11.  Match outcomes can be 2-0, 2-1, 0-2, 1-2. 

Teams can be mixed and any age, but all players will need to be registered on Sporty HQ.  If a player is not on Sporty HQ, please email s[email protected] with your name, date of birth, phone and email so we can create an account for them.

All racquets and balls are provided free of charge and can be found in the metal toolbox next to the squash court. Players can use their own equipment if they have it.

Teams are required to score and referee their matches.  Submit scores by leaving the completed score sheet under the door of the office pod next to court.  Blank score sheets will be left in the storage box next to the court before the games.

Players are required to conduct themselves in a manner which is consistent with the guidelines of Squash SA's Code of Conduct which can be found at http://www.squashsa.asn.au/w/participation/pennant-by-laws